Lion Building Enugu State Nigeria

Enugu State Government Road Projects

NDI Enugu, Tomorrow is Here!

Enugu’s future shines bright with the completion of pivotal road projects enhancing our city’s charm and connectivity. We are proud to announce that Damija Road by GRA, the Road to Golf Estate, and several other key routes have been successfully completed, dramatically improving our infrastructure and travel experiences.

Residents can now enjoy seamless access through New Heaven by Phone Village, an essential link to Enugu’s bustling technology hub. College Road in Abakpa and Premier Layout also boast new, efficient roadways that support educational activities and thriving community life. Furthermore, Odudukoko Street in Garki has been transformed, ensuring smoother and more enjoyable commutes for our citizens.

These upgrades signify more than just improved transportation; they reflect our commitment to a connected and sustainable Enugu. As these projects enhance daily life and foster unity, we are reminded that tomorrow is not just approaching; it is already here in Enugu.

Comments (7)

Dear governor his excellency Dr Peter Mbah, I wish to congratulate you and your team for the excellent work you’re doing fixing the roads.

I was here at the beginning of February from the UK and the roads were gridlocked. I just returned yesterday and was so surprised to find the same roads had already been completed.

Kudos to you and your team please remember Abakpa Nike the roads are terrible and have been like that for the last 40 years or more as far back as I can remember.

The erosion is worsening and the dust is causing respiratory problems for the good people of our state not to talk of the impassable roads that hinder business and productivity.

I see your government plans to grow our economy by the end of your term.

Good roads will also be critical to achieving your vision.
And so I hope you will use your excellent office to help improve the lives of the local people who work their hearts out day in day out.

I thank you in advance.

Dr Nonnie

Dear Dr. Nonnie,

Thank you for your kind words and congratulations on the improvements we’ve made to our roads. It’s heartening to hear such positive feedback from someone with your extensive experience abroad.

We are aware of the challenges in Abakpa Nike and appreciate your bringing them to our attention again. Addressing the erosion and road quality in this area is crucial, not only for enhancing daily life but also for supporting economic growth and health.

Rest assured, your concerns are taken seriously and will be considered as we continue to develop our infrastructure plans. Thank you once again for your encouragement and support.

Best regards,

Greetings Mr Governor. Thanks for making yourself reachable. Ugbene 2 Road and H.I. Eze Street Ugbene 2 is in a terrible condition. This 2 roads are very strategic to decongest Nike Lake road. Please kindly construct the Road for easy access of our people. They have used this roads to campaign and it’s not fair it’s left behind


Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns. It’s great to hear from community members directly, and we appreciate your insights regarding the condition of Ugbene 2 Road and H.I. Eze Street in Ugbene 2. We understand the importance of these roads in alleviating traffic congestion on Nike Lake Road and recognize the crucial role they play in the community’s daily commutes.

Your feedback is invaluable, and we are committed to addressing the infrastructure needs of our community. I will ensure that your message is conveyed to the appropriate departments so that the situation can be assessed and necessary actions can be taken to improve these vital roadways.

Thank you once again for making your voice heard. Please feel free to reach out with any more concerns or suggestions you might have.

My Dear workaholic Governor
It’s really nice seeing the kind of efforts you’re putting in just to make Enugu become one of the biggest states, I really commend you for your efforts sir.
Please I just want to know why many places in Enugu is still dark(no street lights in some places), no doubt that some are being fixed in some new roads that you just commissioned but when I’m driving around Agbani road to go see my mum, the whole street is so dark and you know that darkness always attracts insecurity?,
And also I stay around garden avenue, the roads were being worked on but it’s of poor quality, I don’t know if you can come inspect it yourself……. Thank you for your time my dear governor
And thank you for all you are doing, may God bless you.

Thank you for your kind words and your support. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to make Enugu State a better place for everyone.

Street Lighting:
I appreciate your concern about the lack of street lights in some areas, such as Agbani Road. We understand that proper lighting is crucial for both security and convenience. While we have made significant progress in installing street lights on newly commissioned roads, we acknowledge that there are still areas that need attention. I assure you that plans are underway to extend street lighting to more areas, including Agbani Road, to enhance safety and security for all residents.

Road Quality:
Regarding the quality of the roads around Garden Avenue, I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. Ensuring that our roads are built to high standards is a top priority. I will personally look into this matter and have a team inspect the road quality. Our goal is to ensure that all roadworks meet the highest standards of durability and safety.

Continued Efforts:
We are committed to addressing these issues promptly and effectively. Your feedback helps us identify areas that need improvement and ensures that we are meeting the needs of our community.

Thank you once again for your support and for bringing these matters to our attention. Together, we can continue to build a brighter and safer Enugu State.

I am very much delighted to express my sincere appreciation about the good work and administration currently in Enugu.
to this end i want to buttress the need to have a systematic platform for continuity that will portray transparency and accountability.

i also want to solicit your attention to introduce this an innovative technology to standardize the immense progress and development in Enugu.

I want to express my deep appreciation for your dedicated governance, the commitment has contributed to the welfare of the state and it’s truly commendable.
The purpose of this comment is to highlight a significant concern that I believe warrants an attention. The negative impact of bad roads, vehicle abuses, vehicle lose, insecurity and traffic congestions has been felt by good citizens of the state individuals, communities in different sectors, and it is crucial that prompt action should be taken to address it.
I understand the complex challenges facing the governance, but I firmly believe that together we can find viable solutions to overcome these obstacles. I humbly request supports to partners with my project outlined strategies to specifically handle those challenges.
Furthermore, I would like to offer an assistance and collaboration in any way possible to help address this issue. I am eager to contribute my skills, knowledge, and this innovative design to support the efforts of this good governance in resolving this matter and fostering positive change.
I kindly urge you to consider this matter with the utmost urgency, as it has significant implications for the well-being and progress of the state. Your decisive action can make a profound difference in the lives of countless individuals in Enugu.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I have faith in your dedication and commitment to making the state the best. I am confident that under your guidance, we can overcome these challenges and continue to move forward as a united and prosperous state.
I eagerly await your response and the opportunity to contribute to the positive development of Enugu state.
With great respect, i remain committed. Thanks

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