Lion Building Enugu State Nigeria

Enugu Smart School Project

Governor Peter Mbah of Enugu State has launched an ambitious initiative known as the Smart School Project across all 260 wards in Enugu State, aimed at revolutionizing the state’s educational landscape. The project includes the construction of modern buildings and seeks to integrate cutting-edge technology into classrooms, ensuring that students are equipped with the digital skills necessary for the modern world. By enhancing educational facilities with smart technologies, Governor Mbah aims to provide a more interactive and engaging learning environment that prepares students for future challenges and opportunities. This initiative underscores the state’s commitment to improving educational standards and accessibility through innovative solutions.

Comments (4)

This smart school initiative is quite commendable. It shows that we have a forward-thinking government. However, I’d like to add that ongoing comprehensive facility management is incorporated into the plan and should not be optional. There are two ways that this can be achieved:
1. Direct labour: This will be under public works department of the ministry or works. The scope would be:
– Routine weekly facility inspection.
– Landscaping and cleaning.
– Maintenance and servicing of water/plumbing works, electrical fittings, carpentry fixtures, fixing minor masonry works etc.
– Painting/touch-up.
– Fire extinguisher inspection and servicing.
– Regular HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) inspection on a weekly basis.
– Any other maintenance requirement.

2. Award a long term contract to a certified Facility Management company, say 2 – 4 years to carry all the tasks specified in (1) above with a proper SLA (Service Level Agreement) checklist on all the deliverables and more.

Richard Chukwu.

Paul Okwudilichukwu Onaga PhD

This is a laudable project and should be commended by all and sundry. Though, the policy has already moved on but my questions are;
What happens to the public schools that will soon be without pupils?
How do the government improve on the existing public schools to also maintain standard instead of creating dichotomy?
Would it not have been better and safe cost if the public schools were turned to these smart schools instead of starting off new schools all together?

Please teachers in the public schools’ capacity should be improved, their wage increased also, then you can hold the accountable if they do not perform. Meanwhile, children like me and some of us in the government offices today attended the public schools and excelled if not for lack of social justice and social in-equality in Nigeria, most of us should not have been where we are today.

Meanwhile, His Excellency is doing well in education sector up on till this moment.

Thank you for your insightful comment and for commending the project. Your questions and concerns are very valid and deserve detailed responses.

1. Public Schools Without Pupils:
We recognize the importance of sustaining our public schools. The introduction of smart schools is not intended to render public schools obsolete but rather to create a model of excellence that can be emulated. Efforts are being made to ensure that no public school is left without pupils. Initiatives are in place to improve the quality of education in existing public schools to make them more attractive to students and parents.

2. Improving Existing Public Schools:
The government is committed to improving the existing public schools. This includes upgrading infrastructure, integrating ICT into the curriculum, and ensuring that the teaching methods are up-to-date. The goal is to maintain high standards across all schools, thereby eliminating any perceived dichotomy between smart schools and traditional public schools.

3. Converting Public Schools to Smart Schools:
Your suggestion to convert existing public schools into smart schools is a valuable one. While new smart schools are being established to quickly bridge the gap in educational standards, there is also a parallel effort to upgrade existing public schools. This dual approach allows us to provide immediate relief to the educational sector while systematically improving the existing infrastructure.

4. Capacity Building and Wage Increase for Teachers:
We fully agree that teachers in public schools need to be empowered through continuous professional development and fair compensation. The government is actively working on programs to improve teachers’ capacities and is reviewing policies to ensure competitive wages. A motivated and well-compensated teaching workforce is crucial for achieving the desired educational outcomes.

5. Social Justice and Equality:
Your point about social justice and equality is well-taken. Ensuring equal access to quality education for all children, regardless of their socio-economic background, is a cornerstone of our educational policy. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive educational system that provides every child with the opportunity to excel.

6. Acknowledgment of Efforts:
Thank you for acknowledging His Excellency’s efforts in the education sector. We are committed to continuing these efforts and addressing any gaps to ensure that our education system benefits all children in Enugu State.

We appreciate your feedback and assure you that these concerns are being taken into consideration as we move forward with our educational reforms. Your input is valuable in helping us create a better future for our children.


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Smart schools project is commendable and a welcome development
Learning tech skills early in life will help kids to command the computer age from on time

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